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vendredi 15 août 2014

Where to go in summer?

In Europe, the big boom! Millions of travelers from around the world invade beaches and hinterland of southern Europe. The climate is conducive to travel in almost totalté continent but with some hard hit by the heat wave regions (Andalusia, Southern Italy, Greece, etc.)
Northern Europe is very nice and summer is the perfect time to visit usually coldest and wettest countries such as Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands.

In Asia, it is probably the least favorable season: the monsoon is at its peak throughout the region, leaving only a few areas (Kerala and Tamil Nadu in India, Bali and the islands of southern Indonesia, northern Australia, etc.). Elsewhere a warm, moist and humid climate prevails.

In Africa, the Maghreb countries are overrun with tourists, the weather is warm (sometimes hot to the desert), dry the Atlantic coast of Morocco remains pleasant thanks to the influence of the ocean.
Further south there is the rainy season and it is only latitudes Kenya or Tanzania as a favorable climate to visit one will find.

In America, the north is generally hot and dry (sometimes sweltering in the deserts of the western USA). Central America is experiencing a short rainy season but further south the conditions become favorable.

For all the continents, September generally remains the best choice: late monsoon past, fewer tourists, softer prices heatwaves. Feel free to leave in September showing only benefits.

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