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vendredi 15 août 2014

The weirdest hotel guest requests by Skyscanner.

UNUSUAL - crocodile soup, hot honey or chocolate, or provision of a dead mouse are among the most bizarre requests received by hotels worldwide, according to Skyscanner, a website search of accommodation.

According to this survey of 400 hotels in 49 countries on the Internet and published Monday site, applications and customer complaints are not limited to the alarm clock or an extra blanket. "The sheets are too white" comes ahead of "the sea is too blue", "ice is too cold" or "the bathtub is too large".

"No steak vegetarian menu"

Funny "my girlfriend's snoring kept me awake" gets fifth place, the dissatisfied customer who requested a reduction in the price of the room because of his misadventures. Also included "the dog of the customer has not enjoyed his stay" with a request for reimbursement, or "the server was too good", "there was no steak vegetarian menu" or "Hotel n had no view of the sea "to institutions located in the heart of London as the luxurious Mayfair, or Italy, 80 km from the coast.

The tenth and final complaint to the disconcerting came from the mother of a married furious not to have got "the honeymoon suite" of the hotel. Among the unusual requests, the gold medal back to demand "a glass of water every hour throughout the night," before delivering "15 cucumbers per day", "toilet fed mineral water "or" a honey bath. "

The provision of "goat bells to help him sleep" ranks only fifth position before the request of a customer not wishing to consume "as straight chicken legs." "The hot chocolate milk," delivering "16 pillows" for one client and a "crocodile soup" form the trio tail of the ten most unusual requests. Skyscanner is as the first European travel site and the third in the world, with 25 million visitors each month

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