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vendredi 15 août 2014

europ and tourism

The European Union appears as the first tourist destination in the world. Key to the European economy, tourism generates more than 10% of EU GDP (directly or indirectly) and employs 9.7 million people in 1.8 million enterprises. The enlargement process has strengthened the position of Europe as a tourist destination.

Area of ​​cross-cutting nature, tourism key to a host of European policies. Free movement of persons, goods and services, consumer protection, environment, fight against climate change, transport, or regional policy, all these areas are covered by the European tourism policy which the measures taken in these areas can have direct impact on tourism as a proxy within the Union.

For a long time there was no European tourism policy, although the economic importance of this sector has pushed the EU institutions to intervene.

The Lisbon Treaty entered into force in December 2009 toured a support skills, coordination and complement the Union.

The Dubai Mall, the most visited tourist spot in the world

It contains 1200 shops, Olympic size ice rink, an aquarium with 250 aquatic species, the largest shoe store in the world, theme parks, 14,000 parking spaces, 22 movie theaters, or a Boeing 737 simulator: the Dubai Mall is not a mall like any other, but a tourist attraction. Listed in the Guinness Book for the world's largest total retail space, it is equivalent in size to 50 football fields. "A city within a city" admits Mohammed Alabbar, chairman of Emaar society that created this juggernaut dedicated to shopping, quoted by CNN.

Opened in 2008 after four years of construction, the building - which required an investment of € 14.5 billion - welcomes some 75 million visitors per year! A logistical challenge that requires a staff consisting of 20,000 employees, "the equivalent of a small army," as pointed out by the American magazine. To compare, in 2012, the Eiffel Tower has hosted "only" a little over 6 million, according to the Ministry of Tourism. The huge complex of Disney World in Orlando, was visited over the same period by 17 million curious, according Globometer who also believes that Times Square, New York, is visited by "only" by 35 million people each year.

Ahmen Hussein, head of the night cleaning the incredible attractions, highlights the "challenge" posed by the task of showing off one million square meters of the Dubai Mall in "five or six hours" only, especially when weekend, during which the center closes its doors at midnight. "We try to do everything to make this prestigious and respected," says Mohammed Alabbar. He added: "We still have a little work. But I think we approach it. "

Top 10 London Attractions (continued)

The Victoria & Albert Museum

Art and design are featured at the V & A Museum, which displays 3,000 years of artifacts from around the world. An incredible cave that Alibaba is full of surprises: furniture, paintings, sculptures, ironwork, textiles, and the list goes on ... Admission is free

Science Museum

The future of space travel to difficult questions like "Who am I? "The Museum of Science is doing gymnastics very high level to your brain. Look, feel and experience the greatest scientific advances of the last 300 years; do not miss the stunning Imax cinema. Admission is free

Tower of London

Discover the Tower of London, one of the most famous monuments in the world. Discover its 900-year history as a royal palace, prison and execution site, arsenal, guardian of treasures and zoo! Lift your eyes to behold the White Tower, cross with velvet chamber medieval king sunset and admire the Crown Jewels.

Madame Tussaud

Come and meet the biggest stars on the planet, pushing the doors of Madame Tussaud. Shakespeare Lady Gaga, you will meet big names in showbiz, sport, politics and royalty. Strike a pose alongside Usain Bolt, kiss Brad Pitt or enter this incredible opportunity to receive public acclaim alongside Her Majesty the Queen.

The Royal Museums Greenwich

The Royal Museums Greenwich are four in number: the National Maritime Museum, Queen's House, Royal Observatory with the Peter Harrison Planetarium and the Cutty Sark, all in the same neighborhood of Greenwich Heritage Site of Humanity .

Top 10 London Attractions

The list below is in order of popularity, based on the number of visitors in 2012 or the latest available figures in the case of the London Eye and Madame Tussauds.

NB: While the entrance to the permanent collections of many of the attractions below is free, special exhibitions are usually paid.

British Museum

Known around the world, the British Museum exhibits the creations of man from prehistoric times to the present, with collections from around the world. Among the key works include the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon sculptures and mummies of ancient Egypt. Admission is free

Tate Modern

Located on the banks of the Thames, the Tate Modern is Britain's national Modern and Contemporary Art. Tate Modern was built in a former power station, which explains its particular shape. On the inside, you will discover temporary exhibitions that explore the works of great artists ranging from Damien Hirst to Gauguin. Restaurants in the gallery offer stunning views of the city. Admission is free

national Gallery

Presiding majestically Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery in London is a vast space that contains a large collection of Western European paintings from the 13th to the 19th century. This iconic art gallery contains works by great masters such as Van Gogh, da Vinci, Botticelli, Constable, Renoir, Titian and Stubbs. Admission is free

Natural History Museum

Just as the permanent dinosaur exhibit, the Museum of Natural History contains a collection of the biggest, the largest and rarest animals in the world. See a blue whale size, an old spider 40 million years and contemplate its sumptuous lobby (Central Hall). Admission is free

London Eye

The London Eye is a major part of the London landscape. This is the highest observation wheel in the world, with 32 cabins for 10 tonnes each, which may contain up to 25 people. Climb aboard for an experience in breathtaking, enjoying unforgettable views of more than 55 must-see landmarks of London - all in just 30 minutes!

22 ways to love Quebec

Quebec has, in addition to Montreal and Quebec City, 20 tourism regions. Each of which presents its geography, its history and its culture a unique facet of Quebec. New or ancient fiefs, seaports or forest areas, these regions welcome you with open arms, with a warmth and enthusiasm unflagging. You only have to choose from!

why i love to travel

I love to travel, discover, walk around the city aimlessly, be part of a place without belonging, meet strangers. I love all those simple, unusual and funny that make the essence of travel times. A mixture of excitement, emotion, wonder, fatigues or small galleys that spices and weaves memories.

But what are the reasons that lead us to travel? Is this a leak? Is it deep instinct of our nomadic ancestors who resurfaces? Did you catch a virus in our families? Heightened curiosity?

Some do not like to go out of their day, I'm always surprised. Yet it is true, have a taste for travel is not required to live happily!

I questioned my own reasons to love traveling.
To have a different relationship to time

The days are only 24 hours are given over our daily lives. I always seem to run after the time run out. Time passes too quickly. However, when traveling, time flows differently.

     Feel that time does not exist
     A way to live life in the moment
     Live a thousand things a day

To explore the world

Since my first reading, I've always wanted to see the world. Travel is satisfy his curiosity is confronting what we read or seen another reality.

     See "for real" that I had not seen that picture
     Sometimes change viewpoint
     Discover other ways of living and thinking
     Make unexpected encounters
     See landscapes fall backwards
     Eating foods improbable
     Feel foreign to me

Get to know

Sometimes the shackles of society, the workplace, the burden of responsibility weigh me. The newspaper can be tiresome. Traveling brings sparks, and like living! I am often tempted to fly away in surprise trip. When possible, it's very exciting (and less expensive). Besides, if you're interested, here you can find last minute deals (via Expedia).

     Go on an adventure to enjoy life
     Having a sense of freedom
     Break the routine
     On The Move
     Lose my bearings
     A search of scenery
     Unusual living experience
     Escape the consumer society, sometimes
     Find my child's enthusiasm
     Experience more intense emotions
     Printing to find myself, to step back

I also love travel souvenirs, constraints and galleys that turned into memories. And what a joy to come home. ... and think about the next start!

Tourism: the most visited cities in the world in 2013 (1)

1 - Londres

Les Français vont être bien déçus, eux qui aiment tant à dire que Paris est la ville la plus visitée du monde. Il semblerait que cela soit faux pour 2013, et c'est la ville de Londres elle-même qui l'annonce, estimant avoir dépassé le plafond des 16 millions de visiteurs étrangers, contre 15,9 millions pour Paris en 2012. Selon la mairie de Londres, c'est l'effet Jeux Olympiques qui a permis à la ville un tel record. En effet, celle-ci, contrairement aux autres villes Olympiques, n'aurait pas connu l'effet de désamour qui suit traditionnellement l'année suivant les jeux, bien au contraire.

Top 10 most visited countries in the world (part 2)

5 - Italy

Italy is the number one site listed as World Heritage countries. This country has 49 classified sites. Particular had to have happened during the Roman times, Italy has a rich ancient monuments and places history.


Like Spain, China is among the countries with the most World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. China accounts for 45 China has one of the most visited monuments in the world: the Great Wall of China, which is also part of the new wonders of the world.  

3 - Spain

Spain every year more than 58 million tourists. Mainly came to discover its key city, Barcelona and numerous monuments. Spain has 44 sites listed as World Heritage by UNESCO and is one of five countries with the most classified sites. 

2 - United States

Number 2 in our rankings, the United States of America. With almost 64 million visitors, the United States has 21 sites listed as World Heritage. Mainly popular among tourists are numerous parks like Yellowstone, Monument Valley. 

1 - France

No surprise that the number 1 most visited countries in the world, France. With 38 sites inscribed on the World Heritage (2013), France every year nearly 83 million tourists. Renowned for its gastronomy, known around the world monuments like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de Paris and many others, France takes the top of the rankings.

Top 10 most visited countries in the world (part 1)

 10 - Mexico

10th in our rankings, Mexico, with 42 sites listed as World Heritage of nearly 23 million tourists. Steeped in history, especially thanks to the many sites built by the Maya as the pre-Hispanic city of Chichen Itza on the list of the new 7 wonders of the world, Mexico is therefore one of the most visited countries in the world.

 9 - Malaysia

With only four World Heritage Sites by UNESCO, Malaysia is ranked 9th of the most visited countries in the world with 24 million tourists a year. 

8 - Germany

Like France, Germany has 38 World Heritage of UNESCO. Germany is a very touristic country with over 28 million tourists attracted in particular by its numerous cathedrals, such as Cologne and Aix-La-Chapelle. Berlin is also one of the most visited cities in the country.

7 - UK

The UK takes the 7th spot in our ranking of the most visited countries in the world. 29.2 million tourists, the UK remains very popular in the world with 28 sites listed as World Heritage by UNESCO.

6 - Turkey

With 11 sites listed as World Heritage by UNESCO, Turkey ranks 6th in our ranking of the most visited countries in the world and every year more than 36 million tourists. With these resorts and its flagship city, Istanbul, Turkey is a fashionable destination.

my days at the south

I put on my shirt and I go explore the beach, which stretches for miles to the right and left. Motor boats and small sailboats crisscross the water. Hotel workers are feeling by bringing ashore long fish they caught spear. Vacationers lounging on the chairs, jumping into the water when the heat becomes uncomfortable. At this time of year, the sun is so high that hardly sees his shadow at noon. "After spending the winter in Montreal, I need to recharge the batteries!" Says Bruno Bélanger , full of sand feet, along with his wife Martine.

This first overview over, I'm active in fulfilling my main mission: get rid of my winter complexion. I do not skimp on the sunscreen, Scottish roots require. It will stay in the sun time to at least three or four chapters of my book to the white light of my skin becomes pinkish white.

That done, I take a small catamaran to see the beach from the sea. Seems even wider here. Hundreds of people are swarming. Right and left, we see the silhouette of the many hotels. No doubt, it is far from the deserted island.

But in low season, the crowds are much smaller than in winter. Three of the five hotels Barcelo are closed and the convention center is empty. There are still restaurants for all tastes, both open buffets for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and another imposing figure, a bar in a pool.

When they get tired of the beach, guests can take an aerobics class, play tennis or basketball. A friendly attendant ready masks and snorkels for those who prefer to swim with the fishes. And if it rains, there's always the bar where mojitos, Cuba libre and pina colada are served at will.

Our hotel also offers a range of fee-based activities, ranging from $ 10 to $ 150. Those who hang a few American dollars in their pocket can get a massage, swim with dolphins, explore the area by ATV, or teasing tuna and marlin in the open sea.

But the main thing - the sun, the beach, the sea - is free. And on top of that, there is no cooking to do, no dishes to wash or clean room.

"It is the principle of all-inclusive attracts us, says Luc Biron. You are keys to nothing, you do nothing if you do not feel like it, do not you busy for nothing, you'll eat when you want, you do not need it all hang out. "

So I sip a glass of rum contemplating the sunburn on my right thigh. Lack of cream. Amateur mistake. Never mind, I'll have a beautiful rosy complexion on my return to Montreal. I tell my friends this easy life, my boat ride, the hot sun of the beach, the wind in the palms. That's why we go on vacation, right?

The South ... in the summer!

The mass of gray clouds is formless, still, and it extends to infinity above the balcony of my apartment. Three days ago it rains on Montreal. Right in my vacation week. I need the sun and fast. So I took the road to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, the paradise of all-inclusive.

At the airport, a glance is enough to understand that I am not alone. Marie-Josée Racicot did not dig the head before deciding where to vacation. This resident of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu wanted one thing more than any other: the sun "It would have cost the same price of a week's vacation in Quebec, she said while waiting for boarding Punta. Cana. And it could very well be cold or raining. "

Met on the same flight, Claudia Bernard abounds in this direction. She could spend a week camping, or in the old capital. But the bill would have been almost the same. Moreover, to choose between palms and pines, she did not hesitate one second.

"In Quebec, we have super beautiful places to visit, but I think it is expensive, she said. When you go to Quebec City for the weekend, with hotels and restaurants, it's practically the same price as a week in the South. "

The trend is undeniable: traveling south in May, June and July are more popular than ever, said Vincent Bolduc, owner of the agency Select Space Travel. The contractor expects its sales packages to South rose 15% in low season for two years. Its customers flying to Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Cuba, attracted by the great prizes as well as the undeniable charm of sandy beaches and palm trees.

"It's a trend confirmed by the continued summer routes to these destinations far by tour operators such as Transat, Air Canada and Mexicana adds Michael Archambault, holder of the Transat Chair in Tourism at UQAM. Before, it ended in late April. "

However, our journey in the South experienced a false start. The plane has not landed at the Punta Cana airport that the pilot puts us already warning: it's 21 degrees, raining and thunderstorms are expected. "Just like in Montreal," he says, tongue-in-cheek.

Our taxi driver is swerving on the road from our hotel: the streets are partly flooded. Our stay in the Dominican Republic he fall into the water? Fortunately not! The sun is already back at his post in the morning. The purpose of the day is certainly punctuated with a few showers. But after hours of searing heat, the cooling rain is welcome.

We stay at the Barcelo, a vast complex of five hotels where there is a golf course, casino, shops and - does it really indicate? - A long beach lined with palm trees.

The window in our room opens onto a grassy courtyard. Since the whirlpool installed on the balcony, walkers strolling gently on the sand beside a turquoise sea is visible. The breeze rustles the leaves of palm trees.

Few Quebecers on the horizon. During the summer, the hotels in the Dominican Republic are filled with Argentines, Chileans and other inhabitants of South America fleeing winter in their hemisphere.

Where to go in summer?

In Europe, the big boom! Millions of travelers from around the world invade beaches and hinterland of southern Europe. The climate is conducive to travel in almost totalté continent but with some hard hit by the heat wave regions (Andalusia, Southern Italy, Greece, etc.)
Northern Europe is very nice and summer is the perfect time to visit usually coldest and wettest countries such as Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands.

In Asia, it is probably the least favorable season: the monsoon is at its peak throughout the region, leaving only a few areas (Kerala and Tamil Nadu in India, Bali and the islands of southern Indonesia, northern Australia, etc.). Elsewhere a warm, moist and humid climate prevails.

In Africa, the Maghreb countries are overrun with tourists, the weather is warm (sometimes hot to the desert), dry the Atlantic coast of Morocco remains pleasant thanks to the influence of the ocean.
Further south there is the rainy season and it is only latitudes Kenya or Tanzania as a favorable climate to visit one will find.

In America, the north is generally hot and dry (sometimes sweltering in the deserts of the western USA). Central America is experiencing a short rainy season but further south the conditions become favorable.

For all the continents, September generally remains the best choice: late monsoon past, fewer tourists, softer prices heatwaves. Feel free to leave in September showing only benefits.



Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her birthday and spent his salute: it's Trooping the Colour, the most popular parade in Britain. Hurry up, you are prompted. Iceland is already in summer: the night lasts only four hours, perfect for night owls. Same situation in Norway where the coastal Express resumed its summer service from fjord to fjord where glaciers plunge into the sea. Russia, Moscow prepares Sleepless. It's nice to celebrate the sun. Especially in Peru June 24, is the Feast of the Sun, Inti Raymi.


Fall in Australia whisked away to Adelaide, the harvest will begin. Or, choose the north at that time, there is mild. In Bali, it is the time to dream, the sweetest month of the year, normally you are not alone. Not really alone, either in Greece or Croatia, and yet: just take a car and get away from a few kilometers to find peace, scrub embalmed, small churches and cool terraces. In Mexico, July is almost the only month without holidays, but not without holidays. And especially not without music.


In August and Europe, the Atlantic, the spray and the fresh swell will be grown. Either with a dry white wine, Portugal, either with an amber beer, Ireland, two green country and loving to laugh. In South Africa, it is mild in Cape Town. You cool? Climb to the Kruger. In Costa Rica, sea turtles began their spawning season, unforgettable sight, especially for children. And why not the USA? There is always a state where the weather is nice, a museum or amusement park you reach out, a small piece of American myth to be taken by the hand.

beautiful places

traveling to morocco

Travel distribution knows deep changes. Changes in the number of tourists, their consumption habits and purchase travel, significantly impacting the sector. A metamorphosis that puts players in the sector face significant challenges for maintaining and winning markets on the one hand, and anticipation of changes in competition, tourist behavior, and processing modes of management, other.

In Morocco, the activity of a travel agent is governed by Law No. "31.96" on the status of travel agents. It specifies the conditions for issuance and operation of travel agency licenses. Also, the regulatory framework is supplemented by Decree No. 2-97-547 of 25 Jumada II 1418 (28 October 1997), which lays down rules for implementing the Act.

The activity of a travel agency as stipulated in Article 1 of the Law consists of:

     "The travel organization or individual or group stays or sale of the products of this activity;
     The provision of services to be provided in connection with travel or accommodation, including booking and issuing of transport, hire on behalf of its clients, means of transportation, room reservation in institutions of tourist accommodation, supply of shelter and / or food vouchers;
     The provision of services related to tourist accommodation, including the organization of tours, visiting cities, sites or monuments, service guides and companions of tourism;
     Production or sale of tourist packages, the transactions related to the organization of conferences or similar events, as well as tourism activities related to sports, hunting, fishing, mountain and arts events and cultural, since all these operations include all or part of the benefits ... "above.

The hot list The 51 hotels in 2014

Hot List Conde Nast Traveller held each year for having the most outstanding open worldwide hotels. This year's selection includes 51 facilities with eclectic atmosphere of urban chic New York getaways in full New Zealand Nature.

The Regent Bali, Indonesia

This new upscale establishment of the Regent group awakens the Sanur area, south of Bali. Charlie Chaplin, Noël Coward, Greta Garbo and Elizabeth Taylor went there in the days when there was still no roads or towers and where ladies still sunbathing topless. But she was stuck in the past, with no place to spend a decent living - until now. The property is evident by the first glance, with its high ceilings and a huge yard with several fountains surmounted by a temple.

Inside, the atmosphere is serene and uncluttered, with a contemporary mix of batik, rattan and marble. The rooms are huge, like their balconies lined with mesh. Breakfast Layang Layang restaurant is enjoyed to the sound of traditional Balinese air.

The weirdest hotel guest requests by Skyscanner.

UNUSUAL - crocodile soup, hot honey or chocolate, or provision of a dead mouse are among the most bizarre requests received by hotels worldwide, according to Skyscanner, a website search of accommodation.

According to this survey of 400 hotels in 49 countries on the Internet and published Monday site, applications and customer complaints are not limited to the alarm clock or an extra blanket. "The sheets are too white" comes ahead of "the sea is too blue", "ice is too cold" or "the bathtub is too large".

"No steak vegetarian menu"

Funny "my girlfriend's snoring kept me awake" gets fifth place, the dissatisfied customer who requested a reduction in the price of the room because of his misadventures. Also included "the dog of the customer has not enjoyed his stay" with a request for reimbursement, or "the server was too good", "there was no steak vegetarian menu" or "Hotel n had no view of the sea "to institutions located in the heart of London as the luxurious Mayfair, or Italy, 80 km from the coast.

The tenth and final complaint to the disconcerting came from the mother of a married furious not to have got "the honeymoon suite" of the hotel. Among the unusual requests, the gold medal back to demand "a glass of water every hour throughout the night," before delivering "15 cucumbers per day", "toilet fed mineral water "or" a honey bath. "

The provision of "goat bells to help him sleep" ranks only fifth position before the request of a customer not wishing to consume "as straight chicken legs." "The hot chocolate milk," delivering "16 pillows" for one client and a "crocodile soup" form the trio tail of the ten most unusual requests. Skyscanner is as the first European travel site and the third in the world, with 25 million visitors each month

After 40 years of hotel in Tahiti The "Bali Hai Boys" retire

This is a page on the history of Tahiti tourism that has closed 31 January 2001, when the hotel Bali Hai Moorea closed down to be completely destroyed. In its place will rise a few years a new facility, the "Maitai Bali Hai" Ïuvre of new investors.

Because those are the three young men from California, Hugh Kelley, Jay Carlisle and Muck McCallum, arrived in 1960 to buy a vanilla plantation in Urufara, Moorea who are the real creators of the tourist islands, competing with the founders of hotel Bora Bora. Indeed, they soon discovered that there were no vanilla plantation purchased and had to turn to something else in order to survive. And they bought four bungalows that Nado Salmon had just built on a beach, called this "hotel" Bali Hai from the title of the book and film of James Michener, which describe the South Pacific islands as a paradise and who were the hits from the 50s in the USA.

The first hotel in Bali Hai Moorea when it opened in 1961 to sell the joy of living Tahitian tourists taking advantage of the arrival of the opening of the airport.

The three "Bali Hai Boys'" at the beginning of their adventure in 1964 (arch. Carlisle)

Tahitian atmosphere and rapid success

With plans Tahitian architect Gerald Garnier and investments of friends of the USA (2500 dollars the room!), They could quickly expand the hotel to enjoy the arrival of the jets taking advantage of the opening of the Tahiti airport. Bar Kikiriri Papeete, they also meet Remy Pou, a pearl fisherman Tuamotu best known as the Vilivala, a host, singer and outstanding musician because he knew all the old songs paumotu and Marquesas. They hired him and kept him with them until his death in 1994 Thanks to this man, in their youth, and their enthusiasm for Polynesia, the "Bali Hai Boys" created a hotel that soon became the center office of the island with its binges every night, towers of the island by truck and boat rides on the "Liki Tiki" (phonetically "tiki leaky" in English) well watered.

Binges, vahine and music: the atmosphere was 100% Tahitian

through "Vilivala" a pearl diver Tuamotu converted into fun of tourists.

This is the bar Kikiriri Papeete that "Bali Hai Boys" had first met Remy Pou, a pearl fisherman Tuamotu best known as the Vilivala, a host, singer and outstanding musician because he knew all the paumotu old songs and Marquesas. They hired him and kept him with them until his death in 1994.

The raft "Liki Tiki"

Their luck in July 1962, when a photographer of the magazine "Life" discovered them during a stop of the steamer Mariposa Maton Lines. He took photos and writer Eugene Burdick ("The Quiet American"), who was then living in a fare next to the hotel, wrote the article that made ​​the Bali Hai Boys national celebrities in the United States.

The golden age of Bali Hai: Luck smiled on them in July 1962, when a photographer of "Life" magazine discovered them during a stopover and writer Eugene Burdick ("The Quiet American "), wrote the article that made ​​the Bali Hai Boys national celebrities in the United States.

Other articles in other magazines followed and success is assured, the three men were extended first to Raiatea 1966 when they invented the overwater bungalow hotel because there was not enough space ashore.

Success is assured, the three men were extended first to Raiatea 1966 when they invented the overwater bungalow hotel because there was not enough space to land. Then in 1973 it was the turn of the island of Huahine to have a superb hotel Bali Hai, with its bungalows on stilts in a lake created to clean a marsh.

Then in 1973 it was the turn of the island of Huahine to have great Bali Hai hotel with bungalows on stilts in a lake created to clean up the swamp in which Professor Sinoto, another friend of the hotel, had complete exceptional excavations they had funded.


Around 1985, several factors came to announce the future decline of hotels in Tahiti and the islands changed, competitors hotels were created, tourism "circuit of the South Pacific" (three islands in 6 days) disappeared, Michener's books fell into the oversight and the three young were no longer felt good and exhausted by 20 years of "raves" continual. Their replacement by hospitality professionals that fit the unique ambiance of Bali Hai disappeared quickly while the customer was changing, a stupid strike followed by a refusal to renew the lease closed the Bali Hai Huahine and gave a fire the coup de grace to the Bali Hai Raiatea which had to be sold. The hotel Moorea, dilapidated, also was on the rocks.

While machines destroy the hotel and the bar is ten miles binges but a ruin ...

Muck laugh ... because it has understood that the kind of tourism that they had invented forty years ago, their hotels and their lifestyle now all belong to an era that has sadly gone forever .. It was time to take a well-deserved retirement.

In June 1998 Hugh Kelley died. And so it is with relief that Muck and Jay just sold the hotel, having understood that the kind of tourism that they had invented forty years ago, that their hotels and their lifestyle now all belong to an era that has, alas, gone forever.